Reconciliation & Communion Preparation

Reconciliation & Communion Preparation


The  Sacraments of First Reconciliation & First Communion

Welcome to the Sacrament Preparation Process at the SRB Campus!  As a family with a child continuing their faith formation this season you are embarking on a journey in which your family will encounter Jesus Christ, our Savior in a real way and develop a deeper friendship that will last a lifetime.

Preparing to receive a sacrament is a process with three essential components:

  • LIVING FAITH through your family life at home;
  • LEARNING FAITH through parish formation opportunities;
  • LOVING FAITH through worshipping and serving with the parish family

This process begins with the Sacrament of Baptism and continues throughout our lives.   As your child begins their elementary school years they should also begin to expand their understanding of  their relationship with Jesus Christ, and our Catholic faith.  Once a solid connection to Jesus Christ along with a  foundation in  understanding how to life our faith is developed, preparations to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion may begin.


Of Note:  Our parish’s Sacrament Preparation process is part of an overall Faith Formation process, either through enrollment in our parish school or parish faith formation.  Families who are seeking to prepare an older child for reception of the Sacraments should refer to our Faith Formation with Families